Missionaries of the Holy Spirit
1914 - Present

Through divine will, we have been called to radically follow Christ - Priest and Victim, with the sole desire of transforming our life in Him and sharing his priestly sentiments. As religious, we are animated by His same qualities and virtues of love, purity and sacrifice. We want to live the Spirituality of the Cross, which nourishes our life and service, and its symbol is the Cross of the Apostleship.
We were founded by Father Felix de Jesus Rougier (1859-1938) on December 25th 1914, in Mexico City. After many years of petitioning his Marist superiors, he was released to form the men's religious community perceived by Conchita as "his God-given vocation". Although stricken with arthritis from an early age, he founded many religious orders and lived by his words: "That you love the Father in heaven a great deal, as Jesus did. And that you be able to say with Him: I always do what pleases my Father."
We are one of the Five Works of the Cross, inspired by Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (Conchita, 1862-1937), a wife, mother of nine children, a widow and a mystic. Her spiritual dedication began in 1894, and her religious writings and meditations total over 60,000 hand-written pages. In one of her writings, Seasons of the Soul, she compares one's spiritual journey to the Seasons - which continuously repeat themselves until that soul has fulfilled its purpose here on earth. Throughout this journey, the Holy Spirit gradually transforms that soul in the image and likeness of Jesus, the Savior of Mankind. Pope John Paul II declared her venerable on December 20, 1999 and she is currently in the process of beatification.
As Missionaries of the Holy Spirit priests, we live in community, serve the Church in different dioceses and contribute our spirituality to the people of God we serve through: parish ministry, spiritual direction, vocational ministry, preaching in retreats, spiritual exercises, spiritual assistance in seminaries, and spiritual and ministerial support for priests.
The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit at Mt Angel, Oregon are viewed as a bridge between cultures. ​
• For more information please visit: https://mspscpp.org/
Our Pastoral Communities
Living the charisma that God has given us, we seek to extend the reign of the Holy Spirit and to build up the priestly people. As one expression of that charisma we serve the Church in the United States by ministering in parishes.
Our priests and brothers currently staff four different parishes:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
Oxnard, CA
St. Matthew's Parish
Hillsboro, OR
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
Bothell, WA
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
San Antonio, TX