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"No ha hecho así con ninguna otra nación"
Salmo 147:20

"Por el bautismo somos llamados a vivir el evengelio con el espíritu y actitudes de Cristo Sacerdote y Victima, Contemplativo y solidario."


¡El Señor resucito!  ¡Aleluya!


A nombre de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe les damos la mas alegre noticia, ¡la tumba esta bacía! ¡Jesús ha resucitado!  Este es el fundamento de nuestra fe.

Gracias por permanecer firmes en su fe en medio de esta pandemia, necesitamos seguir implementando las medidas necesarias para hacer que pare este mal del mundo. Hagamos lo que nos toca. Pero  sobre todo, hagamos lo necesario para que pare la pandemia mas mortal, peor que el coronavirus, el individualismo y la autosuficiencia que nos hacen pensar que no nos necesitamos y peor aun, que no necesitamos a Dios. Este virus ya nos ha demostrado que no somos todo poderosos, que somos muy frágiles en nuestra condición humana y que por lo tanto necesitamos ser humildes para decir, te necesito.

La resurrección de Jesús en esta pascua nos trae nueva esperanza puesto que nos pone de frente a la resurrección de nuevas formas de vida: de tratarnos con mas respeto, de mayor consideración por los mas vulnerables, los ancianos, los que no tienen casa, ni familia con quien compartir la mesa. Animo, Jesús es la razón de nuestra fe, y la muerte no tiene poder sobre El. Es Jesús nuestra esperanza, es Jesús nuestra pascua, es Jesús nuestra resurrección.

The Lord is risen! Hallelujah!


On behalf of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, we give you the most joyful news; the tomb is empty! Jesus has risen! This is the foundation of our faith.

Thank you for standing firm in your faith in the midst of this pandemic, we need to continue to implement the necessary measures to make this evil of the world stop. Let us do our part. But above all, let us do what is necessary to stop the deadliest pandemic; worse than the coronavirus, the individualism and self-sufficiency that make us think that we do not need each other and worse, that we do not need God. This virus has already shown us that we are not all powerful, that we are very fragile in our human condition and that therefore we need to be humble to say, I need you.

The resurrection of Jesus this Easter brings us new hope because it puts us in front of the resurrection of new ways of life: of treating each other with more respect, of greater consideration for the most vulnerable, the elderly, those who have no home, no family to share the table with. Courage, Jesus is the reason for our faith, and death has no power over him. Jesus is our hope, Jesus is our Easter, and Jesus is our resurrection.



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Our parish needs your help now more than ever.  Thank you for supporting Our Lady of Guadalupe!


Nuestra parroquia necesita su ayuda ahora más que nunca.  ¡Gracias por apoyar a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe!

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Durante este tiempo, en el que todavía estamos celebrando la resurrección de Jesús, la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe quiere agradecer a todas las personas que han sido generosas con su apoyo financiero y sus talentos durante este tiempo de necesidad para todos.  Hoy queremos darle gracias también a las personas que donaron las azucenas y el Cirio Pascual que han estado alegrando nuestro altar y el presbiterio durante las celebraciones pascuales de este año.  De igual manera agradecemos a Beto Hernández y Martín Calderón por su ayuda en decorar nuestra parroquia. 

Todos y todas sigan contando con nuestras oraciones. 



During this time in which we are still celebrating that the Lord Jesus is risen, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish wants to express our gratitude to all of you who have been contributing financially and with your talents to the parish during this time of need.  Today we also want to thank the people who donated the Easter lilies and the Easter Candle for this year’s Paschal festivities.  As you have seen, our sanctuary looks very nice.  We also want to thank Beto Hernandez and Martin Calderon who helped with the decoration.

Please be assured of our prayers.


Queridos amigos. Estos días de cuarentena el Señor nos ha permitido tener la transmisión del santo Rosario la Eucaristía en vivo diariamente. Este matrimonio (Eva y Armando Vigil) son quienes han estado detrás de las cámaras fielmente haciendo lo posible para que el santo rosario y la Misa lleguen hasta ustedes. Muchas gracias Eva y Armando. Dios les pague su generosidad y compromiso con nuestra parroquia durante este tiempo. 


Dear friends, during this time of quarantine the Lord has blessed us with the daily live-streaming of the Rosary and the Eucharistic celebration. This couple (Eva and Armando Vigil) are the ones behind the cameras making sure that you can participate in the Rosary and Mass. Thank you very much Armando and Eva for your generosity and commitment to our parish.



Se realizaron trabajos en el parqueo de nuestra parroquia.

Holy Week at Home – Daily Ways to Build Community


The Archdiocese of Los Angeles is distributing through our social media channels @lacatholics, and online, reflections and resources to help our faithful celebrate Holy Week and Easter Sunday from home. Please visit ( in Spanish) daily this week to access these other resources to share with the members of your ministries.


Along with celebrating Mass online, Catholics can celebrate daily through the following ways and sharing photos and post with the hashtag #LACatholicsEnterIn during Holy Week and #LACatholicsBelieve on Easter:


Monday: Draw a picture or write a note to those preparing to come into the Church

Tuesday: (Holy) #GivingTuesday; Make a donation to your parish
Wednesday: Make an act of perfect contrition

Holy Thursday: Set your family dinner table

Good Friday: Venerate a cross

Holy Saturday: (Holy) #SilentSaturday, Light a candle and spend time in silence

Easter: Renew your baptismal promises


Additional information on each daily call to action will be available on the archdiocesan Holy Week webpage: ( in Spanish)


Tonight, as we celebrate the Chrism Mass remotely via livestream from the Cathedral of our Lady of the Angeles at 7 p.m., Let us make the Mass livestream experience intentional. Light a candle. Gather your family and invite everyone to actively participate. Families can even place a cross near their computer or TV screen.

Click here to download a worship guide for tonight’s Chrism Mass.


On Good Friday (April 10) Archbishop Gomez will lead a National Prayer of the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for an end of the coronavirus pandemic, on behalf of the bishops in the United States. The prayer will be livestreamed from the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels at 9 a.m. PST.


Please feel free to share widely the daily reflections and calls to action above. 


Let us remember Archbishop’s message of hope for this Holy Week, “This Holy Week will be different. Our churches may be closed, but Christ is not quarantined and his Gospel is not in chains. Our Lord’s heart remains open to every man and woman. Even though we cannot worship together, each of us can seek him in the tabernacle of our own hearts. Because he loves us, and because his love can never change, we should not be afraid, even in this time of trial and testing. In these mysteries that we remember this week, let us renew our faith in his love.”

Thank you.

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